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West Africa stories

West Africa Missions Office

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Equipping nomadic believers

A training centre for a nomadic group in West Africa was started to help believers develop skills to teach and mentor their own people. Hear the story of two...


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Senegal’s Kaffrine Scholarship: Investing in the future

Find out how this scholarship is equipping the next generation of Christians through education and discipleship.


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From player to coach

Although Samuel lost his father at a young age, he discovered through Sports Friends that he has a Heavenly Father who cares for him very much.

Spring of Life counselling needs funds to persist in HIV ministry

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to financial concerns for Spring of Life counselling centre. While they’ve pressed on in making HIV testing and care accessible...

From So-and-So to Somebody

An anointed team has been mobilised to bring the good news to the Fulani in northern Nigeria. Find out about the exciting work the Lord is doing through the...


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Let the peoples praise you

Medical mission worker Anne-Sophie works in obstetrics at Galmi Hospital, it was here that she met cancer patient Aicha. Through years of treatment...

Boko Haram victim discovers Jesus in a unique way

John's life was shaken when Boko Haram fighters pillaged his village and took his son. SIM mission worker Jeanne was stirred by the loss of life occurring...

Because of Danja Hospital, I met Jesus

Mamane contracted leprosy as a child. The diagnosis began a downward spiral in his life until he learned about SIM's Danja Hospital. Mamane received both...


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Amid challenges, God at work in Mali ministries

From the outside looking in, ministering in Mali is a formidable task.


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Recovered health and renewed faith

Louise and a team from ELWA Hospital traveled to a remote village for a pop-up clinic. While there they treated many patients. One of these was a boy whose...

Fire damages ELWA campus roof and machines

A fire broke out in the ELWA campus powerhouse of SIM Liberia on Friday, Nov 5. The roof suffered the most damage, and thankfully, no one was hurt.

Pastor Quaye sees his listeners

Pastor Sebastian Quaye took up the challenge of visiting the region he broadcasts to in the Grebo language for SIM Liberia’s ELWA Radio. It took nearly four...


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New youth club shares the gospel

More than 40 young people in northern Ghana are hearing the gospel through an exciting new youth club in Tumu.

Physiotherapist Kara prepares for lift-off

Although COVID-19 was a major roadblock to her plans, new mission worker and physiotherapist Kara never stopped trusting in God’s perfect timing.

Aunty Dinah the ambassador

The story of the Kasena people of Chiana, Ghana, demonstrates how God is moving in the hearts of a formally unreached people group.

Côte d’Ivoire

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Jean announces the good news on air

Jean believes radio and mass media are phenomenal means to reach those who would otherwise not hear the gospel or meet a Christian.

Burkina Faso

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It took a team to care for Nestor

A long and painful stay at Bembéréké Hospital in Benin led Nestor to Christ. It took a team of people to both care for him and share the gospel with him.

Oussie heals at SIM’s Alafia Clinic

Oussie* was ill and suffering from malnutrition when she began coming to Alafia clinic at age three. Now, at thirteen, she is a different person with a sense...

Yom Bible published after almost 70 years

A ship bearing 4,000 copies of the Yom Bible arrived in Benin’s Cotonou Port at the beginning of August, marking the completion of an almost 70-year...