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SIM International leadership

Joshua Bogunjoko

Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

International Director

Ministry Verse:

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations."
Psalm 67:1-2

Joined SIM:



Joshua Bogunjoko

Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

International Director

Ministry Verse:

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations."
Psalm 67:1-2

Joined SIM:


About Joshua Bogunjoko:

Joshua was active in church from childhood but committed his heart to Christ in his second year of high school. He was privileged to attend one of the mission high schools established by SIM, now run by Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA).

In 1988, Joshua graduated from the University of Port Harcourt with a degree in medicine. In his first year of medical school, he felt the Lord’s call to missions.

After graduation, Joshua joined ECWA Evangel Hospital in Jos, Nigeria, as a pre-registration house-officer and returned in 1990 for residency training in family medicine with the West African College of Physicians. In 1992, Joshua completed a short mission assignment at the SIM's Galmi Hospital in Niger, where he later returned for long-term service.

He met his wife, Joanna, also a medical doctor, while she was working at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. They met in May 1993 and were married in November 1993. Joshua and Joanna started their ministry at the SIM Hospital, Galmi, in June 1995 as members of Evangelical Missionary Society of ECWA (EMS).

In 1999, they left Niger for Briercrest Biblical Seminary in Canada where Joshua earned a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management. While in Canada, Joshua and Joanna became full SIM members.

On their return to Galmi in June 2002, Joanna resumed medical practice, while Joshua took on the position of chief medical officer and then director of the hospital. In 2006, Joshua became the SIM Deputy International Director for Europe and West Africa. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko has now served as SIM International Director since June 2013, becoming the first non-Western and first African leader of SIM.

About Joshua Bogunjoko:

Joshua was active in church from childhood but committed his heart to Christ in his second year of high school. He was privileged to attend one of the mission high schools established by SIM, now run by Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA).

In 1988, Joshua graduated from the University of Port Harcourt with a degree in medicine. In his first year of medical school, he felt the Lord’s call to missions.

After graduation, Joshua joined ECWA Evangel Hospital in Jos, Nigeria, as a pre-registration house-officer and returned in 1990 for residency training in family medicine with the West African College of Physicians. In 1992, Joshua completed a short mission assignment at the SIM's Galmi Hospital in Niger, where he later returned for long-term service.

He met his wife, Joanna, also a medical doctor, while she was working at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. They met in May 1993 and were married in November 1993. Joshua and Joanna started their ministry at the SIM Hospital, Galmi, in June 1995 as members of Evangelical Missionary Society of ECWA (EMS).

In 1999, they left Niger for Briercrest Biblical Seminary in Canada where Joshua earned a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management. While in Canada, Joshua and Joanna became full SIM members.

On their return to Galmi in June 2002, Joanna resumed medical practice, while Joshua took on the position of chief medical officer and then director of the hospital. In 2006, Joshua became the SIM Deputy International Director for Europe and West Africa. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko has now served as SIM International Director since June 2013, becoming the first non-Western and first African leader of SIM.

Our Leadership

To facilitate mission work across the globe, SIM International’s leadership team extends vision and insight in their respective roles. Under the guidance of the International Director, SIM’s Executive Team leads global initiatives for ministry. Read about each leader and their responsibilities below.

Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

International Director

Emma Brewster

Global Director of Ministry Outreach

Hyon Kim

Global Director of People Development

David MacDonald

Global Director of Operations

Diane Marshall

Global Director of Regional Development

Phil Bauman

Global Director of Strategic Development

Andrea Wilson

Global Director of Mission Engagement