
Convinced Text


What is 'Convinced!'?


'Convinced!' is an engaging and interactive study to help you discover why SIM exists.

Our Mission and Purpose Statements took effect on January 1, 2016, following a wide-ranging, multinational collaborative process.

But what are their moorings in the timeless pages of the Bible? And how do they fit with our DNA as a global mission, and in today's broader missions dialogue?

Whether you heard about SIM ten minutes ago or have been a member or friend for 50 years, 'Convinced!' will enlarge your understanding of the particular calling God has been leading us to fulfil. We invite you to engage with it individually, or as part of a group or team. It can also be printed and given as a gift to friends, family, supporters and ministry partners.



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Convinced Text Historical Note


Historical Note: A review of SIM’s statements was mandated in 2014 by the International Board of Governors as part of our 125-year anniversary celebrations. A review process began the same year, with the assistance of a Working Group who undertook the huge task of developing multiple options for consideration. A proposed statement was discussed by the Board in February 2015, with further input from the Global Assembly in March. This statement went on to all SIM entities for review by their boards and councils. Their comments and input contributed tothe final wording, submitted to the International Board of Governors in August 2016, and then unanimously approved by all signatory entities. The new Mission Purpose of SIM took effect January 1, 2016.

As we have done for more than 125 years, so we do today: We seek the lost who are living and dying without Christ behind diverse barriers to the gospel. By Prayer, we cross these barriers to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this way, may the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea!