Sudan and South Sudan

Who we are

Basic details go here - eg. history, info about the country and its needs...


Our vision

God’s good news is shared where God is least known.


Our mission

To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


Serving and equipping for mission

Sudanese and South Sudanese churches fulfilling the great commission.


Outreach, discipleship and church planting

Jesus proclaimed in communities where he is least known.


Mobilising for mission

The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Our team

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To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

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Information about person.

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Information about person.

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Information about person.

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Information about person.

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Information about person.

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Contact |

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427

Sudan and South Sudan

Who we are

Basic details go here - eg. history, info about the country and its needs...


Our vision

God’s good news is shared where God is least known.


Our mission

To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


Serving and equipping for mission

Sudanese and South Sudanese churches fulfilling the great commission.


Outreach, discipleship and church planting

Jesus proclaimed in communities where he is least known.


Mobilising for mission

The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Our team

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


Contact |

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427

Asset Publisher

Come and Serve

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

The San are considered to have the oldest culture in the world. Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclaiming the gospel in order to see a church planting movement that reproduces communities of Jesus followers in least reached areas of rural Loja, Ecuador.

Words of Hope

Equipping pastors and leaders of city and rural churches to be faithful to God's Word and the gospel in their ministry to others.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Reaching young people between 15 and 25 years of age in creative ways.

Compassion Ministries

Churches expressing God's love and compassion, serving their communities, and reaching out with the gospel to the vulnerable among them.

Radio Hope

Radio "Ondas de Esperanza" ("Radio Hope") proclaims the gospel in Ecuador through quality Christian radio programming.


To see the church of Loja passionate to support gospel workers in Loja and the world.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Growing up missionary kids to be personal followers of Jesus through education, activities, and programs that build them up in Christ.


Our goal as a ministry team is to see missionaries flourishing with quality administration and member care.

Bingham Academy

This ministry provides quality Christian education for the children of missionaries and others who seek to make a kingdom impact in Ethiopia.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

We want to mobilise more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially to those who live and die without Christ in South Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclamando el Evangelio para ver un movimiento de plantación de iglesias que reproduce comunidades de seguidores de Jesucristo en las áreas rurales, menos alcanzadas de la provincia de Loja.

Words of Hope

Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Alcanzando a los jóvenes entre 15 y 25 años de forma creativa.

Compassion Ministries

Iglesias expresando el amor y la compasión de Dios, sirviendo sus comunidades y extendiendo el evangelio a los más vulnerables entre ellos.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.


Sirviendo a la iglesia de Loja para ser apasionada en apoyar a los obreros del Evangelio en Loja y el mundo.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Apoyando a los hijos de misioneros para que crezcan como seguidores personales de Jesús a través de la educación, actividades y programas que los edifican en Cristo.


Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Communities where Christ is least known

Refugee community

The county of Mabaan in South Sudan hosts 18 different tribes, who are all originally from Sudan.
Many of these tribes do not have any Christian witness around their home area. The refugees are being exposed to Christ and his Word in the refugee camps. Communities of faith are popping up in different places within the refugee camp.

Beyond borders

A Sudanese refugee who was in the camps in South Sudan was called by God to serve among his people in a refugee area in Ethiopia. In response, his host community in Mabaan, South Sudan, has now sent out their first two missionaries. This is a testimony that the church is looking beyond its borders and sending out workers into the Lord’s harvest field.



Pray for Sudanese and South Sudanese churches to send out more missionaries across cultures.


Pray for Sudanese and South Sudanese churches to send out more missionaries across cultures.


Pray for each of the refugees hosted in South Sudan to come to faith in Jesus.


Pray for each of the refugees hosted in South Sudan to come to faith in Jesus.


Pray for God’s shalom to overtake hearts wounded by decades of conflict.


Pray for God’s shalom to overtake hearts wounded by decades of conflict.


Pray for strength for our team and that we would not grow weary.


Pray for strength for our team and that we would not grow weary.


Pray for our team to know that we are loved by God, not because of what we do but because we are his children.


Pray for our team to know that we are loved by God, not because of what we do but because we are his children.


Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into his harvest field.


Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into his harvest field.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

Related stories

The Mabaan Church stands for peace

In early December 2020, fighting broke out in the southern region of our Mabaan County between two groups of young men. Pastor Andrew felt called to intervene by asking for peace.

Meet the SIM Doro clinic chaplain

Pastor Bulis is a local pastor who serves as chaplain of the SIM Doro Clinic, South Sudan. In this short video we see how he has the unique opportunity to daily support, teach and pray with patients at the clinic.

SIM Doro Clinic team

The diverse team at SIM Doro Clinic serve more than 150,000 people from many different tribes within the local village and refugee camps. In this video the clinic manager talks us through a whistlestop tour of the clinic.

Ingessana people discover the truth about Jesus

The truth could not be hidden from the Ingessana people, as many are turning to Jesus Christ as their saviour, even amidst extreme hardship.

The nine year secondary education

Four years. That is how long it should have taken. But nine years after starting at Sudan Interior Church (SIC) School, the first students have finally graduated from their secondary school education.

Grieve Memorial Clinic video

The Grieve Memorial Clinic in Doro, South Sudan, holistically serves the needs of more than 100,000 South Sudanese refugees and Mabaan people.

South Sudan Water Project video

The South Sudan Water Project has been installing, maintaining and repairing boreholes that provide clean water for more than 20,000 people in Doro. Easier access, cleaner water.

Don't look down on Timothy

Theological Education by Extension equips pastors with training on the road and in remote areas throughout South Sudan. Read how it's helped non-traditional students like Timothy overcome odds to learn how to handle scripture.

Bible translation: Even with a few words

You might understand Bible translation takes hours and even a lifetime to complete, but what does that truly look like? And what kind of transformation takes place through God's Word along the way?

When it doesn’t add up: Help needed at the clinic in South Sudan

The SIM Doro clinic is in desperate need of doctors and nurses as staff try to deal with a huge rise in patients, many of them refugees living in makeshift camps nearby.

A story in the shadows

Some stories are hidden. And many of those unknown stories are about people going to hidden corners of the world and bearing great light.

Come fly with me

Ever wonder what it’s like to travel into rural South Sudan with SIM? Let Tohru Inoue take you there.

I can’t preach but hand me a wrench

Most come out to South Sudan with the focus of mending broken bodies or guiding hurting hearts. Precious few have the desire to tinker or see how things work. But we need technically-minded mission workers.

He saw it himself

God is showing himself. Just ask the SIM workers who walk the villages and refugee camps in South Sudan.

Hand me the chalk

A primary school carries on even after funds dry up and missionaries leave. Read on to hear how God has given them amazing endurance.

Trading death for life

His name is Adam, and he was a witch doctor.

Mabaan Old Testament complete after 20 years

Through the faithful work of South Sudanese scholars the Old Testament is at last in the Mabaan language.

Gods plan for devastated Doro

Missionaries returned to the South Sudan settlement of Doro, just three months after the compound was destroyed by fighting between rival armed groups.

From nations to the nations

The Harvest Worker project is helping mobilise those who are ready to go to serve in South Sudan.

Crossing barriers with coffee

A cup of coffee is so much more than a person's preferences of milk or sugar. Inviting a friend to share a cup of coffee is inviting someone to share life, the highs and the lows, and everything in between.

An audience of 150,000 and growing

For gifted evangelists such as Getachew, the movement of 16 different Sudanese tribes from hard to reach areas into a single refugee area presents a wonderful opportunity. It's an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with many more people.

A child of war becomes a man of peace

Joseph Kur was a boy soldier in the Sudanese Civil War, both witnessing and committing terrible acts while still a child.

Related stories

The Mabaan Church stands for peace

In early December 2020, fighting broke out in the southern region of our Mabaan County between two groups of young men. Pastor Andrew felt called to intervene by asking for peace.

Meet the SIM Doro clinic chaplain

Pastor Bulis is a local pastor who serves as chaplain of the SIM Doro Clinic, South Sudan. In this short video we see how he has the unique opportunity to daily support, teach and pray with patients at the clinic.

SIM Doro Clinic team

The diverse team at SIM Doro Clinic serve more than 150,000 people from many different tribes within the local village and refugee camps. In this video the clinic manager talks us through a whistlestop tour of the clinic.

Ingessana people discover the truth about Jesus

The truth could not be hidden from the Ingessana people, as many are turning to Jesus Christ as their saviour, even amidst extreme hardship.

The nine year secondary education

Four years. That is how long it should have taken. But nine years after starting at Sudan Interior Church (SIC) School, the first students have finally graduated from their secondary school education.

Grieve Memorial Clinic video

The Grieve Memorial Clinic in Doro, South Sudan, holistically serves the needs of more than 100,000 South Sudanese refugees and Mabaan people.

South Sudan Water Project video

The South Sudan Water Project has been installing, maintaining and repairing boreholes that provide clean water for more than 20,000 people in Doro. Easier access, cleaner water.

Don't look down on Timothy

Theological Education by Extension equips pastors with training on the road and in remote areas throughout South Sudan. Read how it's helped non-traditional students like Timothy overcome odds to learn how to handle scripture.

Bible translation: Even with a few words

You might understand Bible translation takes hours and even a lifetime to complete, but what does that truly look like? And what kind of transformation takes place through God's Word along the way?

When it doesn’t add up: Help needed at the clinic in South Sudan

The SIM Doro clinic is in desperate need of doctors and nurses as staff try to deal with a huge rise in patients, many of them refugees living in makeshift camps nearby.

A story in the shadows

Some stories are hidden. And many of those unknown stories are about people going to hidden corners of the world and bearing great light.

Come fly with me

Ever wonder what it’s like to travel into rural South Sudan with SIM? Let Tohru Inoue take you there.

I can’t preach but hand me a wrench

Most come out to South Sudan with the focus of mending broken bodies or guiding hurting hearts. Precious few have the desire to tinker or see how things work. But we need technically-minded mission workers.

He saw it himself

God is showing himself. Just ask the SIM workers who walk the villages and refugee camps in South Sudan.

Hand me the chalk

A primary school carries on even after funds dry up and missionaries leave. Read on to hear how God has given them amazing endurance.

Trading death for life

His name is Adam, and he was a witch doctor.

Mabaan Old Testament complete after 20 years

Through the faithful work of South Sudanese scholars the Old Testament is at last in the Mabaan language.

Gods plan for devastated Doro

Missionaries returned to the South Sudan settlement of Doro, just three months after the compound was destroyed by fighting between rival armed groups.

From nations to the nations

The Harvest Worker project is helping mobilise those who are ready to go to serve in South Sudan.

Crossing barriers with coffee

A cup of coffee is so much more than a person's preferences of milk or sugar. Inviting a friend to share a cup of coffee is inviting someone to share life, the highs and the lows, and everything in between.

An audience of 150,000 and growing

For gifted evangelists such as Getachew, the movement of 16 different Sudanese tribes from hard to reach areas into a single refugee area presents a wonderful opportunity. It's an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with many more people.

A child of war becomes a man of peace

Joseph Kur was a boy soldier in the Sudanese Civil War, both witnessing and committing terrible acts while still a child.