
Who we are

SIM Zimbabwe became a full entity and member of SIM International in February 2018. Under God, to His glory of God and the good of his people, we seek to prayerfully work towards the vision outlined below, in close partnership with local churches and other para-church organisations.


Our vision

By faith, we see:

• Zimbabwe fully evangelised, so that no one may live and die without hearing the gospel and responding to it.

• Believers discipled to live out the gospel in word and deed.

• Christ's compassionate love shared among the poor, marginalised, and hurting.


Our team

Tawanda and Shupi Masango

Tawanda and Shupi coordinate the ministry to university and college students under the banner of ESN. Tawanda also helps with IT and Shupi helps with the Spiritual Life conference.

Tapiwa and Kundai Nhidza

Tapiwa serves in the national office where he handles all the admin and bookkeeping work and also assists in the implementation of certain projects in the field. He lives in Mutare together with his wife Kundai.

Violet Myambo

Violet coordinates the Thalitha Cumi Ministry. The ministry seeks to care for orphaned and vulnerable girls through provision of basic needs together with discipleship and counselling. Violet is based in Mutare.

Tendai and Caitlyn Mutya

Tendai and Caitlyn live in Marondera and co-ordinate ministry to children and young people, including connecting with churches and schools to provide support and resources.

Walter and Ella Madimutsa

Walter and Ella serve in Research and Church Mobilisation where they engage the church to inform and equip it for missions both locally and beyond. They live in Harare where they run a school.

Leanmore Manyenya

Learnmore coordinates the ministry to cults and zionists. He lives in Bikita where he engages with members from the African Independent churches, seeking to introduce them to Scripture.

Rod Kastner

Rod is a lecturer at Rusitu Bible College where he is involved in training men and women for the gospel work.

Godfrey and Marvellous Chimana

Godfrey serves with SIM in the famine relief ministry which seeks to support vulnerable communities and also response to emergency disasters.

Nyasha Manjeya

Nyasha serves with the LEARN program where she monitors how pastors are using the tablets and attend to any questions they may have.

Casper Mapurisa

Casper is...


Our structure

As a member of SIM's Global Assembly, the vision and mission of SIM Zimbabwe is shaped and guided by the vision of SIM International. Locally, SIM Zimbabwe is registered as a private voluntary organisation (P.V.O) according to the laws of Zimbabwe and is overseen by and accountable to the SIM Zimbabwe Board and Trustees.



1 Eagle Close, Greenside, Mutare , Zimbabwe

info@simzimbabwe.org | Zimbabwe.Director@sim.org

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427


Who we are

SIM Zimbabwe became a full entity and member of SIM International in February 2018. Under God, to His glory of God and the good of his people, we seek to prayerfully work towards the vision outlined below, in close partnership with local churches and other para-church organisations.


Our vision

By faith, we see:

• Zimbabwe fully evangelised, so that no one may live and die without hearing the gospel and responding to it.

• Believers discipled to live out the gospel in word and deed.

• Christ's compassionate love shared among the poor, marginalised, and hurting.


Our team

Tawanda and Shupi Masango

Tawanda and Shupi coordinate the ministry to university and college students under the banner of ESN. Tawanda also helps with IT and Shupi helps with the Spiritual Life conference.

Tapiwa and Kundai Nhidza

Tapiwa serves in the national office where he handles all the admin and bookkeeping work and also assists in the implementation of certain projects in the field. He lives in Mutare together with his wife Kundai.

Violet Myambo

Violet coordinates the Thalitha Cumi Ministry. The ministry seeks to care for orphaned and vulnerable girls through provision of basic needs together with discipleship and counselling. Violet is based in Mutare.

Tendai and Caitlyn Mutya

Tendai and Caitlyn live in Marondera and co-ordinate ministry to children and young people, including connecting with churches and schools to provide support and resources.

Walter and Ella Madimutsa

Walter and Ella serve in Research and Church Mobilisation where they engage the church to inform and equip it for missions both locally and beyond. They live in Harare where they run a school.

Leanmore Manyenya

Learnmore coordinates the ministry to cults and zionists. He lives in Bikita where he engages with members from the African Independent churches, seeking to introduce them to Scripture.

Rod Kastner

Rod is a lecturer at Rusitu Bible College where he is involved in training men and women for the gospel work.

Godfrey and Marvellous Chimana

Godfrey serves with SIM in the famine relief ministry which seeks to support vulnerable communities and also response to emergency disasters.

Nyasha Manjeya

Nyasha serves with the LEARN program where she monitors how pastors are using the tablets and attend to any questions they may have.

Casper Mapurisa

Casper is...


Our structure

As a member of SIM's Global Assembly, the vision and mission of SIM Zimbabwe is shaped and guided by the vision of SIM International. Locally, SIM Zimbabwe is registered as a private voluntary organisation (P.V.O) according to the laws of Zimbabwe and is overseen by and accountable to the SIM Zimbabwe Board and Trustees.



1 Eagle Close, Greenside, Mutare , Zimbabwe

info@simzimbabwe.org | Zimbabwe.Director@sim.org

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427

Engage with this country...

Asset Publisher

Come and Serve

Orphan and Vulnerable Children Ministry

The aim of our ministry is to love and support vulnerable children and their caregivers by meeting their educational, physical and psychosocial needs.

Leadership Training & Pastor Book Sets

Our aim is to train and equip pastors and other church leaders to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a holistic way to protect the Church against incorrect teachings.

Home Based Care Ministry

Reaching out with the gospel and humanitarian assistance to people surviving HIV infection.

Orphan and Vulnerable Children Ministry

We focus on making Christ known to vulnerable children and their caregivers as we meet their educational, physical, and psychosocial needs.

Leadership Training & Pastor Book Sets

Nuestra meta es entrenar y equipar a pastores y otros líderes eclesiales para enseñar el Evangelios de Jesucristo de una manera holística para proteger a la iglesia de incorrectas enseñanzas espirituales.

Home Based Care Ministry

Alcanzar con el Evangelio y asistencia humanitaria a las perdonan que sobreviven a la infección HIV.

Communities where Christ is least known

Immigrants from India

Indians arrived in Zimbabwe as traders as far back as 1890. Their population has steadily increased, and by 2016, they numbered slightly over a hundred thousand. Most are business people of the Gujarati ethnic group, living in urban areas. Most speak English, and a few speak indigenous languages.

They are a closed community, having contact and interaction with other ethnicities only in their shops. The majority are Muslims and Hindus, and a very small number are Christians. Pray that God sends to Zimbabwe a missionary of Indian or Asian background, who may be able to engage the Indian communities and present the gospel of Christ.



Pray for the Church in Zimbabwe to stay strong against heresy.


Pray for the Church in Zimbabwe to stay strong against heresy.


Pray for disciple-making ministries to take root in every church and strengthen believers.


Pray for disciple-making ministries to take root in every church and strengthen believers.


Pray for God to protect the nation and His Church against the increase and threats of Islam.


Pray for God to protect the nation and His Church against the increase and threats of Islam.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

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