United Kingdom

We work hand-in-hand with evangelical churches to send and receive gospel workers equipped for cross-cultural mission wherever people live and die without hearing God’s good news.

We do this by:

  • serving missionaries so that they are helped to practice integrated, biblical disciple-making, as they proclaim and promote God's Word where there is no witness.
  • strengthening churches in their vision and committment to cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship both locally and globally.
  • developing mission opportunities for churches to send and receive cross-cultural gospel workers to places where people will otherrwise live and die wtihout hearing the good news about Jesus.

United Kingdom

We work hand-in-hand with evangelical churches to send and receive gospel workers equipped for cross-cultural mission wherever people live and die without hearing God’s good news.

We do this by:

  • serving missionaries so that they are helped to practice integrated, biblical disciple-making, as they proclaim and promote God's Word where there is no witness.
  • strengthening churches in their vision and committment to cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship both locally and globally.
  • developing mission opportunities for churches to send and receive cross-cultural gospel workers to places where people will otherrwise live and die wtihout hearing the good news about Jesus.

Engage with this country...

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Come and Serve


To mentor workers to be fruitful in mission through 1-2 year mission-mentoring relationships with accompanying missionary discipleship.


Our aim is to provide culture and language learning in a relational mission environment, for equipping of candidates’ capacity and calling for gospel ministry in a cross-cultural context where Jesus is least known.


The Engage programme is a two year rolling programme (September-July) designed to resource churches and networks of churches in multi-cultural gospel mission locally, and support their sending of mature disciples into mission to the nations globally.


Orientar a los obreros para que sean fructíferos en la misión por medio de una misión de 1 a 2 años – orientando relaciones acompañando al discipulado misionero.


Our aim is to provide culture and language learning in a relational mission environment, for equipping of candidates’ capacity and calling for gospel ministry in a cross-cultural context where Jesus is least known.


The Engage programme is a two year rolling programme (September-July) designed to resource churches and networks of churches in multi-cultural gospel mission locally, and support their sending of mature disciples into mission to the nations globally.

Communities where Christ is least known

Refugee Communities in the UK

A number of churches in the UK are interested in receiving a mission worker to help them reach their multi-cultural communities. Through our ENGAGE programme, we want to enable this. We are researching other ministry opportunities amongst these communities, in conjunction with local churches. Please pray that the right people are sent by God to serve the UK church as missionaries, helping them reach communities where Christ is least known.



Pray for the #howwilltheyhear campaign, based on Romans 10:14, which aims to increase church-centred mission mobilisation for ministries working with migrants in Europe and the Middle East.


Pray for the #howwilltheyhear campaign, based on Romans 10:14, which aims to increase church-centred mission mobilisation for ministries working with migrants in Europe and the Middle East.


Pray for our "Immerse" internship and "Explore" short-term teams, which help people to find the place God has for them in his global mission.


Pray for our "Immerse" internship and "Explore" short-term teams, which help people to find the place God has for them in his global mission.


Pray for our UK-sent workers to thrive in the environments to which they are called and to be very aware of the support of the UK team.


Pray for our UK-sent workers to thrive in the environments to which they are called and to be very aware of the support of the UK team.


Pray for the multi-agency initiative "Mission through Business," as it seeks to help more business people see how God might use their gifts and skills to reach the nations. Pray also for SIM UK to serve people effectively on this route into mission.


Pray for the multi-agency initiative "Mission through Business," as it seeks to help more business people see how God might use their gifts and skills to reach the nations. Pray also for SIM UK to serve people effectively on this route into mission.


Pray for our office relocation to enable us to better serve the UK evangelical church in all its diversity, as well as be more accessible from national road and rail networks. Pray for each member of our staff team, that we will discern and trust in God’s purposes.


Pray for our office relocation to enable us to better serve the UK evangelical church in all its diversity, as well as be more accessible from national road and rail networks. Pray for each member of our staff team, that we will discern and trust in God’s purposes.


Pray that the Lord will raise up more workers for his harvest field from the UK and Ireland. SIM UK hopes to send/receive 185 mission workers by the end of 2018. 


Pray that the Lord will raise up more workers for his harvest field from the UK and Ireland. SIM UK hopes to send/receive 185 mission workers by the end of 2018. 

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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HowWillTheyHears 10:14 campaign: Pray for refugees

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