Sudan and South Sudan

Who we are

Basic details go here - eg. history, info about the country and its needs...


Our vision

God’s good news is shared where God is least known.


Our mission

To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


Serving and equipping for mission

Sudanese and South Sudanese churches fulfilling the great commission.


Outreach, discipleship and church planting

Jesus proclaimed in communities where he is least known.


Mobilising for mission

The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Our team

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

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Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


Contact |

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427

Sudan and South Sudan

Who we are

Basic details go here - eg. history, info about the country and its needs...


Our vision

God’s good news is shared where God is least known.


Our mission

To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


Serving and equipping for mission

Sudanese and South Sudanese churches fulfilling the great commission.


Outreach, discipleship and church planting

Jesus proclaimed in communities where he is least known.


Mobilising for mission

The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Our team

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


To provide responsible resources and opportunities to build Christ-centered missional churches, and to improve the lives of people, while providing strong biblical education among the peoples of Upper Nile, the diaspora in Northern Uganda and Kenya, and wherever God presents new opportunities.


The hearts of others engaging in the mission and vision of SIM South Sudan.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.

Person Name

Information about person.


Contact |

Tel: +263 20 2020046 | Mob: +263 772 551 427

Asset Publisher

Come and Serve

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

The San are considered to have the oldest culture in the world. Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclaiming the gospel in order to see a church planting movement that reproduces communities of Jesus followers in least reached areas of rural Loja, Ecuador.

Words of Hope

Equipping pastors and leaders of city and rural churches to be faithful to God's Word and the gospel in their ministry to others.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Reaching young people between 15 and 25 years of age in creative ways.

Compassion Ministries

Churches expressing God's love and compassion, serving their communities, and reaching out with the gospel to the vulnerable among them.

Radio Hope

Radio "Ondas de Esperanza" ("Radio Hope") proclaims the gospel in Ecuador through quality Christian radio programming.


To see the church of Loja passionate to support gospel workers in Loja and the world.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Growing up missionary kids to be personal followers of Jesus through education, activities, and programs that build them up in Christ.


Our goal as a ministry team is to see missionaries flourishing with quality administration and member care.

Bingham Academy

This ministry provides quality Christian education for the children of missionaries and others who seek to make a kingdom impact in Ethiopia.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

We want to mobilise more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially to those who live and die without Christ in South Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclamando el Evangelio para ver un movimiento de plantación de iglesias que reproduce comunidades de seguidores de Jesucristo en las áreas rurales, menos alcanzadas de la provincia de Loja.

Words of Hope

Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Alcanzando a los jóvenes entre 15 y 25 años de forma creativa.

Compassion Ministries

Iglesias expresando el amor y la compasión de Dios, sirviendo sus comunidades y extendiendo el evangelio a los más vulnerables entre ellos.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.


Sirviendo a la iglesia de Loja para ser apasionada en apoyar a los obreros del Evangelio en Loja y el mundo.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Apoyando a los hijos de misioneros para que crezcan como seguidores personales de Jesús a través de la educación, actividades y programas que los edifican en Cristo.


Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Communities where Christ is least known

Refugee community

The county of Mabaan in South Sudan hosts 18 different tribes, who are all originally from Sudan.
Many of these tribes do not have any Christian witness around their home area. The refugees are being exposed to Christ and his Word in the refugee camps. Communities of faith are popping up in different places within the refugee camp.

Beyond borders

A Sudanese refugee who was in the camps in South Sudan was called by God to serve among his people in a refugee area in Ethiopia. In response, his host community in Mabaan, South Sudan, has now sent out their first two missionaries. This is a testimony that the church is looking beyond its borders and sending out workers into the Lord’s harvest field.



Pray for Sudanese and South Sudanese churches to send out more missionaries across cultures.


Pray for Sudanese and South Sudanese churches to send out more missionaries across cultures.


Pray for each of the refugees hosted in South Sudan to come to faith in Jesus.


Pray for each of the refugees hosted in South Sudan to come to faith in Jesus.


Pray for God’s shalom to overtake hearts wounded by decades of conflict.


Pray for God’s shalom to overtake hearts wounded by decades of conflict.


Pray for strength for our team and that we would not grow weary.


Pray for strength for our team and that we would not grow weary.


Pray for our team to know that we are loved by God, not because of what we do but because we are his children.


Pray for our team to know that we are loved by God, not because of what we do but because we are his children.


Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into his harvest field.


Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into his harvest field.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

Related stories

Zimbabwe new stories

short summary

The mountains have burst: Zimbabwe under Cyclone Idai

When the floods came to Chimanimani, it was as if the mountains exploded. "The people said, ‘the mountains have burst,’” said SIM Zimbabwe Director Caiphas Ngarivhume.

An audience with Angola’s president

SIM Canada’s Dr Stephen Foster, who has served in Angola for 42 years, shares about an opportunity for collaboration between the government and the church.

Test a holiday trim

Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Duplicate for Welcome to Lebanon

As one blow after another assails this nation, the phrase above often carries the meaning: “There’s been another problem. This is life here, what did you expect? ” When Miriam* arrived in September to teach at a big Christian school near the capital, she learned many things fast.

Coppy Sorani Kurdish Bible translation finally complete

Translation for northern Iraq community is finished after 28 years of work.

Chicken dinner ministry test

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Sophia’s childhood dreams Duplicate 1

Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Covid Chicken dinner ministry

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Opening doors through business in North Africa

Language and culture education business creates employment and ministry opportunities.

Restoring hope and bringing life

God showed the Maphosas and the Haddads that children in southern Africa need good foundations for living healthy lives and avoiding dangerous illnesses. They've now helped more than 20,000 children across the region! Read about their work.

The fork in the road

There's an untrodden road that leads to communities where Jesus isn't known. Watch this reflection on the old path behind and the new one ahead in Ethiopia.

Successful surgery ends shame for E

Years of rejection end for a Malagasy woman, and a new life begins, as SIM surgeon Ted Watts successfully completes a difficult operation to repair her damaged bladder. Ted is lead surgeon at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara, Madagascar, and shares this moving story…

Can Good News transform Madagascar

The Good News Project has grown in, engaged with and served Mandritsara in Madagascar. Find out how their gospel-centred service has impacted the town and drawn workers from across the world.

Courageous mission

Despite incredible risks, Michael has been committed to these people who have never heard the gospel.

Meeting Christ on campus: international student ministry

International study can feel isolated and present difficulties living in the new culture. SIM’s Engaging the University ministry reaches out in love to cross cultural barriers and make international students feel at home.

Taliban widow finds hope in Christ

One fateful day, after the violence came to her own doorstep, Aadab was left alone with two young children, no husband… and an opportunity to change her life. On that day, she realised she could only find safety for her family by escaping.

Peny dances in the desert

How one woman brings life through ministering the gospel to children in Kenya's desert region.

Pakistan flood appeal

Millions of people have been affected by the floods in Pakistan and our SIM team there has launched an appeal to help them

The seed planter

This week we were privileged to hear the testimony of a man whose life was eternally changed by a simple question. We invited Martin to sit around a table on our back porch to share with us how the Lord saved him, and how God opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. This is Martin’s story.

Testimony from Waves of Hope Radio Ministry

Waves of Hope Radio Ministry team expanded their outreach to a local church where 90 children were influenced for the gospel.

A car ride and the gospel

Murray and his co-worker prayed that Maria would be open to hearing about the gospel on their drive. As they drove, the group passed a wall with a bible verse painted boldly on it's front, which sparked conversation about the bible and faith. This led the way for Murray to share about how central Christ is to faith and salvation.

Recovered health and renewed faith

Louise and a team from ELWA Hospital traveled to a remote village for a pop-up clinic. While there they treated many patients. One of these was a boy whose father had prior doubts about Christianity. Thanks to medication the team brought, the boy's health was restored, and in turn, his father's faith was renewed.

Rejoicing in hope

Life can often be difficult for women and children living in Central Asia. A new crisis centre aims to equip these women with practical and occupational training, as well as medical and psychological care. Through God's faithfulness the centre is now being constructed.

Multiplying impact through business as mission

Hikari was meditating on Matthew 21 when he heard God call him to serve. For Hikari and his family this meant moving to a different country with SIM's Faithful Witness initiative. In a place where the church is scattered and a religion besides Christianity is dominant, Hikari and his family needed a means to form relationships with those around them - they found this through business as mission.

Chinua and Esi share a journey through trauma: Loving mission workers well in all seasons 

Chinua*, Esi* and their family were on their way home when they began to doubt the safety of the road they were on. Eventually it became clear that this road was controlled by a terrorist group. Miraculously, the group let the family continue down the road. Chinua and Esi were able to process their experience through counselling.

Let the peoples praise you

Medical mission worker Anne-Sophie works in obstetrics at Galmi Hospital, it was here that she met cancer patient Aicha. Through years of treatment Anne-Sophie was able to share about Jesus. Because of the friendships made through Galmi, and the work of the Holy Spirit, Aicha and her husband came to know Christ.

Wiping bottoms and bringing good news

“Local men often just live whatever lifestyle they choose but women are still generally doing most of the work and are home with the kids." Carol, her husband Anthony, and their three young children live in Central Asia. Officially, their role is church planting amongst the Muslim Yee people, but as yet there are too few believers in the area to plant one.

Building good relationships in a tough place

New relationships surprise an anonymous central Asia SIM worker.

From player to coach

Although Samuel lost his father at a young age, he discovered through Sports Friends that he has a Heavenly Father who cares for him very much.

Boko Haram victim discovers Jesus in a unique way

John's life was shaken when Boko Haram fighters pillaged his village and took his son. SIM mission worker Jeanne was stirred by the loss of life occurring due to this violence and began distributing SD cards with Christ-centred books and films. John received a card containing the JESUS film, which led him to put his faith in Christ.

Jesus washed my feet

There was a lack of love in Sara's young life. Abandoned as a baby, her adoptive mother could not love Sara as much as her own children. While attending a Sports Friends camp Sara experienced the love that Christ has for her through a foot washing ceremony. She came to accept Christ as her saviour.

Because of Danja Hospital, I met Jesus

Mamane contracted leprosy as a child. The diagnosis began a downward spiral in his life until he learned about SIM's Danja Hospital. Mamane received both physical and spiritual healing here. While previously a muslim, this experience led Mamane to put his faith in Jesus Christ.

Innocence lost, Jesus found

Tia was trafficked by her own parents before being rescued. The pain of the past was a heavy burden, but Tia learned that her identity did not lay in the sins committed against her. She is a daughter of the king.

How beautiful are the feet...

Elijah has spent his life sharing the gospel in his community. At the age of 78, he is not slowing down. While some may spend their retirement with more leisurely activities, Elijah continues to be very present in ministry.

How will they hear?

In Paraguay, the deaf population is one of the least reached. SIM mission worker Shirley Anne lives in Southern Paraguay and travels to surrounding villages teaching deaf as well as hearing individuals Paraguayan Sign Language (or LSPY). Her ministry is very relational and she incorporates bible stories into her lessons in order to share the gospel.

You are missing something

Chesoa's life was missing something. He was headed down a violent path when he heard a Sports Friends coach teach out of 1 Corinthians. The gospel miraculously changed Chesoa's life. He is now a Sports Friends coach himself and a minister of hope for youth in central Malawi.

New youth club shares the gospel

More than 40 young people in northern Ghana are hearing the gospel through an exciting new youth club in Tumu.

Harriet's story

Harriet became a christian after experiencing the love of Christ through both a christian neighbour and a mission worker. Harriet endured many trials after giving her life to Christ, but she continues to live as a faithful witness by sharing Christ with her family and reading the bible with local christians.

Inspiring things are happening

SIM worker Mary Haile serves out of a church in central London. One of her ministries includes teaching English as a second language to students from all over the world. Students are exposed to the bible through these lessons, including one participant who made a life-changing decision to follow Christ.

It took a team to care for Nestor

A long and painful stay at Bembéréké Hospital in Benin led Nestor to Christ. It took a team of people to both care for him and share the gospel with him.

Alvaro sees the truth of Jesus

Alvaro had struggled with alcohol all his life but changed completely after being told about Jesus when he came for new glasses

The piano bench ministry

Playing in an orchestra can open opportunities for heartfelt discussions about Jesus. Find out about Jill's "piano bench ministry."

Modelling the Christian faith through relationships

Living out our faith with sincerity is often a powerful avenue for the Holy Spirit to minister to others.

Going where there is no gospel in Asia

Julie* is part of a small team hoping to bring the word of God and maybe, one day, the first church among a Central Asian minority.

Connecting cultures through dreams

I am usually not a dreamer, but I had a dream where I decided to cut my hair. In my dream, as I turned my head sideways my face turned into one of the local people.

Sports Friends moves to the megacity

Sports Friends has ministries in many of the far-flung corners of the world; from Peru, to Nigeria to Thailand. The mental scenes that correspond to those places might be something like a dusty plain with children playing football under a tree with wide, spreading branches. Or a field lined with palm trees, young girls avoiding monsoon-season puddles as they practice volleyball. And sure, these picturesque rural settings really are some of the places where Sports Friends works, but what about sports ministry in an urban context, where fields and courts are not in open spaces, but tucked amidst buildings and side streets?

Filipino Christians provide relief goods during pandemic

Believers in the Philippines are carefully reaching out as the hands of Christ to those who are affected by the coronavirus.

When God intervenes

SIM missionary Nikali first thought “What will happen to the ministry?” when the pandemic hit the Philippines. But God enabled it to move forward in ways that exceeded understanding.

Related stories

Zimbabwe new stories

short summary

The mountains have burst: Zimbabwe under Cyclone Idai

When the floods came to Chimanimani, it was as if the mountains exploded. "The people said, ‘the mountains have burst,’” said SIM Zimbabwe Director Caiphas Ngarivhume.

An audience with Angola’s president

SIM Canada’s Dr Stephen Foster, who has served in Angola for 42 years, shares about an opportunity for collaboration between the government and the church.

Test a holiday trim

Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Duplicate for Welcome to Lebanon

As one blow after another assails this nation, the phrase above often carries the meaning: “There’s been another problem. This is life here, what did you expect? ” When Miriam* arrived in September to teach at a big Christian school near the capital, she learned many things fast.

Coppy Sorani Kurdish Bible translation finally complete

Translation for northern Iraq community is finished after 28 years of work.

Chicken dinner ministry test

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Sophia’s childhood dreams Duplicate 1

Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Covid Chicken dinner ministry

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Opening doors through business in North Africa

Language and culture education business creates employment and ministry opportunities.

Restoring hope and bringing life

God showed the Maphosas and the Haddads that children in southern Africa need good foundations for living healthy lives and avoiding dangerous illnesses. They've now helped more than 20,000 children across the region! Read about their work.

The fork in the road

There's an untrodden road that leads to communities where Jesus isn't known. Watch this reflection on the old path behind and the new one ahead in Ethiopia.

Successful surgery ends shame for E

Years of rejection end for a Malagasy woman, and a new life begins, as SIM surgeon Ted Watts successfully completes a difficult operation to repair her damaged bladder. Ted is lead surgeon at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara, Madagascar, and shares this moving story…

Can Good News transform Madagascar

The Good News Project has grown in, engaged with and served Mandritsara in Madagascar. Find out how their gospel-centred service has impacted the town and drawn workers from across the world.

Courageous mission

Despite incredible risks, Michael has been committed to these people who have never heard the gospel.

Meeting Christ on campus: international student ministry

International study can feel isolated and present difficulties living in the new culture. SIM’s Engaging the University ministry reaches out in love to cross cultural barriers and make international students feel at home.

Taliban widow finds hope in Christ

One fateful day, after the violence came to her own doorstep, Aadab was left alone with two young children, no husband… and an opportunity to change her life. On that day, she realised she could only find safety for her family by escaping.

Peny dances in the desert

How one woman brings life through ministering the gospel to children in Kenya's desert region.

Pakistan flood appeal

Millions of people have been affected by the floods in Pakistan and our SIM team there has launched an appeal to help them

The seed planter

This week we were privileged to hear the testimony of a man whose life was eternally changed by a simple question. We invited Martin to sit around a table on our back porch to share with us how the Lord saved him, and how God opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. This is Martin’s story.

Testimony from Waves of Hope Radio Ministry

The Waves of Hope Radio Ministry team took part in a local event where around 90 children were influenced for the gospel.

A car ride and the gospel

Murray y su compañero de trabajo oraron para que Anita estuviera abierta a escuchar acerca del evangelio durante su viaje en carro. Mientras conducían, pasaron frente a una casa que tenía un versículo de la Biblia escrito en la pared, lo que provocó una conversación sobre la fe y el mensaje de salvación a través de Cristo.

Recovered health and renewed faith

Louise and a team from ELWA Hospital traveled to a remote village for a pop-up clinic. While there they treated many patients. One of these was a boy whose father had prior doubts about Christianity. Thanks to medication the team brought, the boy's health was restored, and in turn, his father's faith was renewed.

Rejoicing in hope

Life can often be difficult for women and children living in Central Asia. A new crisis centre aims to equip these women with practical and occupational training, as well as medical and psychological care. Through God's faithfulness the centre is now being constructed.

Multiplying impact through business as mission

Hikari was meditating on Matthew 21 when he heard God call him to serve. For Hikari and his family this meant moving to a different country with SIM's Faithful Witness initiative. In a place where the church is scattered and a religion besides Christianity is dominant, Hikari and his family needed a means to form relationships with those around them - they found this through business as mission.

Chinua and Esi share a journey through trauma: Loving mission workers well in all seasons 

Chinua*, Esi* and their family were on their way home when they began to doubt the safety of the road they were on. Eventually it became clear that this road was controlled by a terrorist group. Miraculously, the group let the family continue down the road. Chinua and Esi were able to process their experience through counselling.

Let the peoples praise you

Medical mission worker Anne-Sophie works in obstetrics at Galmi Hospital, it was here that she met cancer patient Aicha. Through years of treatment Anne-Sophie was able to share about Jesus. Because of the friendships made through Galmi, and the work of the Holy Spirit, Aicha and her husband came to know Christ.

Wiping bottoms and bringing good news

“Local men often just live whatever lifestyle they choose but women are still generally doing most of the work and are home with the kids." Carol, her husband Anthony, and their three young children live in Central Asia. Officially, their role is church planting amongst the Muslim Yee people, but as yet there are too few believers in the area to plant one.

Building good relationships in a tough place

New relationships surprise an anonymous central Asia SIM worker.

From player to coach

Although Samuel lost his father at a young age, he discovered through Sports Friends that he has a Heavenly Father who cares for him very much.

Boko Haram victim discovers Jesus in a unique way

John's life was shaken when Boko Haram fighters pillaged his village and took his son. SIM mission worker Jeanne was stirred by the loss of life occurring due to this violence and began distributing SD cards with Christ-centred books and films. John received a card containing the JESUS film, which led him to put his faith in Christ.

Jesus washed my feet

There was a lack of love in Sara's young life. Abandoned as a baby, her adoptive mother could not love Sara as much as her own children. While attending a Sports Friends camp Sara experienced the love that Christ has for her through a foot washing ceremony. She came to accept Christ as her saviour.

Because of Danja Hospital, I met Jesus

Mamane contracted leprosy as a child. The diagnosis began a downward spiral in his life until he learned about SIM's Danja Hospital. Mamane received both physical and spiritual healing here. While previously a muslim, this experience led Mamane to put his faith in Jesus Christ.

Innocence lost, Jesus found

Tia was trafficked by her own parents before being rescued. The pain of the past was a heavy burden, but Tia learned that her identity did not lay in the sins committed against her. She is a daughter of the king.

How beautiful are the feet...

Elijah has spent his life sharing the gospel in his community. At the age of 78, he is not slowing down. While some may spend their retirement with more leisurely activities, Elijah continues to be very present in ministry.

How will they hear?

In Paraguay, the deaf population is one of the least reached. SIM mission worker Shirley Anne lives in Southern Paraguay and travels to surrounding villages teaching deaf as well as hearing individuals Paraguayan Sign Language (or LSPY). Her ministry is very relational and she incorporates bible stories into her lessons in order to share the gospel.

You are missing something

Chesoa's life was missing something. He was headed down a violent path when he heard a Sports Friends coach teach out of 1 Corinthians. The gospel miraculously changed Chesoa's life. He is now a Sports Friends coach himself and a minister of hope for youth in central Malawi.

New youth club shares the gospel

More than 40 young people in northern Ghana are hearing the gospel through an exciting new youth club in Tumu.

Harriet's story

Harriet became a christian after experiencing the love of Christ through both a christian neighbour and a mission worker. Harriet endured many trials after giving her life to Christ, but she continues to live as a faithful witness by sharing Christ with her family and reading the bible with local christians.

Inspiring things are happening

SIM worker Mary Haile serves out of a church in central London. One of her ministries includes teaching English as a second language to students from all over the world. Students are exposed to the bible through these lessons, including one participant who made a life-changing decision to follow Christ.

It took a team to care for Nestor

A long and painful stay at Bembéréké Hospital in Benin led Nestor to Christ. It took a team of people to both care for him and share the gospel with him.

Alvaro sees the truth of Jesus

Álvaro luchó con el alcoholismo toda su vida pero cambió por completo cuando escuchó de Jesús al recibir lentes nuevos.

The piano bench ministry

Playing in an orchestra can open opportunities for heartfelt discussions about Jesus. Find out about Jill's "piano bench ministry."

Modelling the Christian faith through relationships

Living out our faith with sincerity is often a powerful avenue for the Holy Spirit to minister to others.

Going where there is no gospel in Asia

Julie* is part of a small team hoping to bring the word of God and maybe, one day, the first church among a Central Asian minority.

Connecting cultures through dreams

I am usually not a dreamer, but I had a dream where I decided to cut my hair. In my dream, as I turned my head sideways my face turned into one of the local people.

Sports Friends moves to the megacity

Sports Friends has ministries in many of the far-flung corners of the world; from Peru, to Nigeria to Thailand. The mental scenes that correspond to those places might be something like a dusty plain with children playing football under a tree with wide, spreading branches. Or a field lined with palm trees, young girls avoiding monsoon-season puddles as they practice volleyball. And sure, these picturesque rural settings really are some of the places where Sports Friends works, but what about sports ministry in an urban context, where fields and courts are not in open spaces, but tucked amidst buildings and side streets?

Filipino Christians provide relief goods during pandemic

Believers in the Philippines are carefully reaching out as the hands of Christ to those who are affected by the coronavirus.

When God intervenes

SIM missionary Nikali first thought “What will happen to the ministry?” when the pandemic hit the Philippines. But God enabled it to move forward in ways that exceeded understanding.