
Compelled by God’s love and by the reality that millions of people live and die without knowing Christ, we strive to expand the Church’s capacity to make disciples and multiply churches in communities where Christ is least known, so that the triune God alone may be genuinely worshipped by every person.


Compelled by God’s love and by the reality that millions of people live and die without knowing Christ, we strive to expand the Church’s capacity to make disciples and multiply churches in communities where Christ is least known, so that the triune God alone may be genuinely worshipped by every person.

Asset Publisher

Come and Serve

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

The San are considered to have the oldest culture in the world. Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclaiming the gospel in order to see a church planting movement that reproduces communities of Jesus followers in least reached areas of rural Loja, Ecuador.

Words of Hope

Equipping pastors and leaders of city and rural churches to be faithful to God's Word and the gospel in their ministry to others.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Reaching young people between 15 and 25 years of age in creative ways.

Compassion Ministries

Churches expressing God's love and compassion, serving their communities, and reaching out with the gospel to the vulnerable among them.

Radio Hope

Radio "Ondas de Esperanza" ("Radio Hope") proclaims the gospel in Ecuador through quality Christian radio programming.


To see the church of Loja passionate to support gospel workers in Loja and the world.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Growing up missionary kids to be personal followers of Jesus through education, activities, and programs that build them up in Christ.


Our goal as a ministry team is to see missionaries flourishing with quality administration and member care.

Bingham Academy

This ministry provides quality Christian education for the children of missionaries and others who seek to make a kingdom impact in Ethiopia.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

We want to mobilise more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially to those who live and die without Christ in South Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclamando el Evangelio para ver un movimiento de plantación de iglesias que reproduce comunidades de seguidores de Jesucristo en las áreas rurales, menos alcanzadas de la provincia de Loja.

Words of Hope

Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.

Youth Ministry El Sendero

Alcanzando a los jóvenes entre 15 y 25 años de forma creativa.

Compassion Ministries

Iglesias expresando el amor y la compasión de Dios, sirviendo sus comunidades y extendiendo el evangelio a los más vulnerables entre ellos.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.


Sirviendo a la iglesia de Loja para ser apasionada en apoyar a los obreros del Evangelio en Loja y el mundo.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Apoyando a los hijos de misioneros para que crezcan como seguidores personales de Jesús a través de la educación, actividades y programas que los edifican en Cristo.


Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Communities where Christ is least known

Children and youth

Well over half of Ethiopia (approximately 102 million people) are under the age of 20. As a result of rapid population growth, migration to urban areas and the availability of technology and the Internet, most of these young people have limited opportunities to come to know Christ and become his followers.


The urban population has increased to around 20 per cent in this primarily rural country and the rate of change is increasing. Poverty and abuse remain major issues, especially among newcomers to urban areas. Girls and homeless street boys are at risk of being trafficked.



Pray for business leaders, community leaders and church leaders who have significant roles in their contexts and are strategically placed to have an impact where Christ is least known.


Pray for business leaders, community leaders and church leaders who have significant roles in their contexts and are strategically placed to have an impact where Christ is least known.


Pray for children and youth ministries in Ethiopian churches, communities and projects, that they will have sufficient people and resources to serve families needing biblical discipleship.


Pray for children and youth ministries in Ethiopian churches, communities and projects, that they will have sufficient people and resources to serve families needing biblical discipleship.


Pray for recruitment of excellent teachers who can serve at Bingham Academy with a passion for making disciples among students and advancing missions outreach.


Pray for recruitment of excellent teachers who can serve at Bingham Academy with a passion for making disciples among students and advancing missions outreach.


Pray for greater interdependent teamwork and healthy ministry relationships.


Pray for greater interdependent teamwork and healthy ministry relationships.


Pray for churches and their leaders to become more willing to care about and show Christ’s love to neighbours in their communities.


Pray for churches and their leaders to become more willing to care about and show Christ’s love to neighbours in their communities.


Pray for teaching, disciple making and mentoring initiatives in Orthodox communities.


Pray for teaching, disciple making and mentoring initiatives in Orthodox communities.


Pray for healthy church partnerships and ongoing, effective disciple-making initiatives.


Pray for healthy church partnerships and ongoing, effective disciple-making initiatives.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

Asset Publisher

Related stories

The fork in the road

There's an untrodden road that leads to communities where Jesus isn't known. Watch this reflection on the old path behind and the new one ahead in Ethiopia.

Jesus washed my feet

There was a lack of love in Sara's young life. Abandoned as a baby, her adoptive mother could not love Sara as much as her own children. While attending a Sports Friends camp Sara experienced the love that Christ has for her through a foot washing ceremony. She came to accept Christ as her saviour.

I can hear you

Addis, Yohannes, and Joseph lost their hearing during childhood. When they moved to Addis Adaba for better opportunities, they found it difficult to gain employment, as many in the Deaf community do. But that's when they encountered the water project "Minch," where SIM workers serve.

Ethiopia: shining the Christ-light

Internal conflict in Ethiopia has raged on for a year, with conflict extended past the north to two neighbouring regions. Our team met to pray and sing "The Servant Song," which has articulated their hope in holding out the Christ-light for the country.

Seeing God’s glory in business

Kibir. It’s the Amharic word for glory. An SIM ministry by the same name is aiming to see the Ethiopian marketplace redeemed. They want to see businesses reflecting God’s kibir.

Broken vessels witnessing God’s work

We can think missions is making Christ attractive by the excellence of our work. But what happens when our brokenness becomes apparent? A former missionary surgeon suddenly found himself in this scenario when he could no longer operate.

Will you pray with me for Ethiopia?

Fighting in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region has resulted in death and a sea of people displaced from their homes. If you find your tongue is nimble enough to speak, would you pray with us?

From SIM ministry to SIM partner

The Anchor for Generations ministry began six years ago as an extension of SIM Ethiopia’s Hope for Life network. Now the ministry has grown to be self-sufficient and led by the local association of churches!

Hidden abilities

Shame culture in northern Ethiopia means many children with physical disability are hidden at home. Since 2014, the SIM team at Hidden Abilities has been showing families another way, welcoming them and giving them the expert care their children need.

SIM Ethiopia 5F Agriculture Project

The 5F's agriculture project is located in the Awi region of Northern Ethiopia. Central to the Awi people is the Awi language, agriculture works, and the Orthodox religion.

Sports Friends Ethiopia Summer Camp 2019

Sports Friends works throughout the year equipping churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ among thousands of young people, their families and their communities. Camp is the icing on the cake for this ministry and you can be a part of it.

Long awaited fruit: the Kafa Bible

The Kafa Bible was dedicated in Bonga, Ethiopia, earlier this year! Read about this labour of love spanning more than 40 years and including a throng of persevering translators.

Introverts wanted: There’s a place for you in church planting

Are you an introvert considering missions? We've got good news: you're not alone and you don’t have to be up front to serve Jesus in a church plant.

A voice carried on the wind

Social media does not come naturally to Ato Tenkir. But radio ministry does. After 24 years in Ethiopian radio, he wants to add this new method to his media ministry toolkit and reach the new generation.

Cultivated in good soil

What can a thriving Ethiopian church teach us about impact? Find out now.

Staying to serve youth

While the coronavirus crisis forced many mission workers to return to their home countries, Sarah Dorman, decided to stay in Ethiopia, the country she loves.

Prisoners for Christ in Ethiopia: The rest of the story

Bill determined to visit Ethiopian church leaders in prison, pray for them and seek their release. They had been beaten, tortured and incarcerated for their faith. That is all that Bill remembered or heard of the story — until 32 years later.

A man called Million

Who was this man named "Million" ⁠— and why did he have such an unusual name?

A friendship sculpted by God

God's hand is clearly on the friendship between the Wards and Frealem, and it all started with a common love of pottery.

Related stories

The fork in the road

There's an untrodden road that leads to communities where Jesus isn't known. Watch this reflection on the old path behind and the new one ahead in Ethiopia.

Jesus washed my feet

There was a lack of love in Sara's young life. Abandoned as a baby, her adoptive mother could not love Sara as much as her own children. While attending a Sports Friends camp Sara experienced the love that Christ has for her through a foot washing ceremony. She came to accept Christ as her saviour.

I can hear you

Addis, Yohannes, and Joseph lost their hearing during childhood. When they moved to Addis Adaba for better opportunities, they found it difficult to gain employment, as many in the Deaf community do. But that's when they encountered the water project "Minch," where SIM workers serve.

Ethiopia: shining the Christ-light

Internal conflict in Ethiopia has raged on for a year, with conflict extended past the north to two neighbouring regions. Our team met to pray and sing "The Servant Song," which has articulated their hope in holding out the Christ-light for the country.

Seeing God’s glory in business

Kibir. It’s the Amharic word for glory. An SIM ministry by the same name is aiming to see the Ethiopian marketplace redeemed. They want to see businesses reflecting God’s kibir.

Broken vessels witnessing God’s work

We can think missions is making Christ attractive by the excellence of our work. But what happens when our brokenness becomes apparent? A former missionary surgeon suddenly found himself in this scenario when he could no longer operate.

Will you pray with me for Ethiopia?

Fighting in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region has resulted in death and a sea of people displaced from their homes. If you find your tongue is nimble enough to speak, would you pray with us?

From SIM ministry to SIM partner

The Anchor for Generations ministry began six years ago as an extension of SIM Ethiopia’s Hope for Life network. Now the ministry has grown to be self-sufficient and led by the local association of churches!

Hidden abilities

Shame culture in northern Ethiopia means many children with physical disability are hidden at home. Since 2014, the SIM team at Hidden Abilities has been showing families another way, welcoming them and giving them the expert care their children need.

SIM Ethiopia 5F Agriculture Project

The 5F's agriculture project is located in the Awi region of Northern Ethiopia. Central to the Awi people is the Awi language, agriculture works, and the Orthodox religion.

Sports Friends Ethiopia Summer Camp 2019

Sports Friends works throughout the year equipping churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ among thousands of young people, their families and their communities. Camp is the icing on the cake for this ministry and you can be a part of it.

Long awaited fruit: the Kafa Bible

The Kafa Bible was dedicated in Bonga, Ethiopia, earlier this year! Read about this labour of love spanning more than 40 years and including a throng of persevering translators.

Introverts wanted: There’s a place for you in church planting

Are you an introvert considering missions? We've got good news: you're not alone and you don’t have to be up front to serve Jesus in a church plant.

A voice carried on the wind

Social media does not come naturally to Ato Tenkir. But radio ministry does. After 24 years in Ethiopian radio, he wants to add this new method to his media ministry toolkit and reach the new generation.

Cultivated in good soil

What can a thriving Ethiopian church teach us about impact? Find out now.

Staying to serve youth

While the coronavirus crisis forced many mission workers to return to their home countries, Sarah Dorman, decided to stay in Ethiopia, the country she loves.

Prisoners for Christ in Ethiopia: The rest of the story

Bill determined to visit Ethiopian church leaders in prison, pray for them and seek their release. They had been beaten, tortured and incarcerated for their faith. That is all that Bill remembered or heard of the story — until 32 years later.

A man called Million

Who was this man named "Million" ⁠— and why did he have such an unusual name?

A friendship sculpted by God

God's hand is clearly on the friendship between the Wards and Frealem, and it all started with a common love of pottery.