
In a spirit of collaboration, we see Benin churches becoming mature, missional and dynamic, filled with disciples obedient to the Word of God, imitators of Christ, dependent on the Holy Spirit and full of compassion. In unity, disciples of all ages serve according to their gifts and for the glory of God.


In a spirit of collaboration, we see Benin churches becoming mature, missional and dynamic, filled with disciples obedient to the Word of God, imitators of Christ, dependent on the Holy Spirit and full of compassion. In unity, disciples of all ages serve according to their gifts and for the glory of God.

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Communities where Christ is least known


The Waama people are located primarily in Benin’s northwestern province and number around 117,000. Natitingou is their cultural centre, but a smaller group of Waama is found across the border in northern Togo.
The Waama are subsistence farmers, using basic agricultural methods. Corn, yams, bananas and peanuts are grown for personal use, and coffee, cocoa and cotton are produced mainly for export. Often, they keep cattle for their hides and manure, but the animals are almost never milked or consumed for meat. Cattle are also used in sacrifices and as marriage payments. Marriages are customarily arranged while the girl is still an infant, often to an older man with multiple wives.
The Waama follow traditional ethnic beliefs and practices, adoring many gods. They have shrines for their ancestral spirits in their family compounds, where an appointed elder makes sacrifices for the family to gain their favor. They are fiercely attached to their three-month initiation, which occurs every three years. So as not to disturb the spirits, absolute silence is expected during this period, putting them in conflict with other ethnic and religious groups in the area, especially churches which play music.
The New Testament is available in Waama, as is the “Jesus” film. There are few Waama Christians (around 2 per cent of the population), and the existing evangelical churches tend to use French or the Ditammari language. The literacy rate is below 10 per cent.



Pray for labourers willing to learn the Waama language and go to these communities where Christ is not known.


Pray for labourers willing to learn the Waama language and go to these communities where Christ is not known.


Pray for key Waama believers and leaders who boldly profess Jesus and are capable of discipling others.


Pray for key Waama believers and leaders who boldly profess Jesus and are capable of discipling others.


Pray for literacy teachers and radio speakers for SIM broadcasts.


Pray for literacy teachers and radio speakers for SIM broadcasts.


Pray for God to call more Weno missionaries, evangelists and translators to join the new ministry initiative.


Pray for God to call more Weno missionaries, evangelists and translators to join the new ministry initiative.


Pray for Yom believers as they celebrate and read the recently completed Yom Bible.


Pray for Yom believers as they celebrate and read the recently completed Yom Bible.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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A long and painful stay at Bembéréké Hospital in Benin led Nestor to Christ. It took a team of people to both care for him and share the gospel with him.

Oussie heals at SIM’s Alafia Clinic

Oussie* was ill and suffering from malnutrition when she began coming to Alafia clinic at age three. Now, at thirteen, she is a different person with a sense of belonging and care.

Yom Bible published after almost 70 years

A ship bearing 4,000 copies of the Yom Bible arrived in Benin’s Cotonou Port at the beginning of August, marking the completion of an almost 70-year translation project.

Forty-year Monkolé Bible translation project nears end

The long process of translating the Bible into Monkolé, a language indigenous to northern Benin, is drawing to a close.