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Historias de América del Sur


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Uruguayan seminary equips church leaders despite COVID-19 complications

COVID-19 has generated a need for internet-based classes at the Biblical Seminary of Uruguay like countless other educational institutions. Find out how the...

New Uruguay mission school has vision for world missions

SIM has a commitment to see Uruguay reached for Christ. And through key partnerships with like-minded organisations, a new missionary training school called...


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Sprucing up Zoom youth group

Engaging young people in a church setting is difficult during the pandemic, but youth leaders in Latin America have begun to share ideas to make Bible study...

Sports Friends Peru alleviates hunger during COVID-19

SIM’s project to feed impoverished families in Peru during the pandemic is growing swiftly in Lima.

Parkinson’s patient affirms Peruvians with disabilities

As Christine came to terms with her early-onset Parkinson's Disease, the Lord enabled her to help those with disabilities or illnesses embrace their worth in...


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Manuel trains Mbya Guaraní children in football

Manuel, a short-term SIM worker in Paraguay from Switzerland, is using his enthusiasm for sport to proclaim the gospel among Mbya Guaraní children.

The Gondeks serve Alto Refugio and Refugio Primavera

Johanna and Christoph had their professional lives mapped out in Germany. God shook up their plans and led them to Paraguay where they now thrive in new roles.

Embracing the Paraguayan Deaf

Shirley Anne once saw a significant need among the Deaf. Now she shares Jesus with them in long-term ministry. Read about her journey.

OCLA (Oficina de Conexión de Latinoamérica)

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Exhausted Guatemalan workers receive refreshment during COVID-19

Jason and Mary Brink offer refreshing words and supplies to worn-out workers who are enduring lengthy shifts. Read about their ministry with security...

Launching the project “Let's Mobilise His Church” in Spanish

Mobilisation is not just about sending missionaries, but also about encouraging all the people of God to participate in the mission of God.

A new wave of Latino missionaries

Nearly every Latino candidate I meet wants to work in the unreached places of the world and do some of the hardest work. God is raising up a new wave of...


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‘Nuestro primer encuentro con oyentes de la radio en la provincia de Loja’

The Waves of Hope Radio Ministry team took part in a local event where around 90 children were influenced for the gospel.

Un viaje en carro y el evangelio

Murray y su compañero de trabajo oraron para que Anita estuviera abierta a escuchar acerca del evangelio durante su viaje en carro. Mientras conducían,...

Álvaro ve la verdad acerca de Jesús

Álvaro luchó con el alcoholismo toda su vida pero cambió por completo cuando escuchó de Jesús al recibir lentes nuevos.


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Distance alters the Andersons' family and ministry

Ministry and family life take a different shape for the Andersons amidst the COVID-19 crisis, especially since they are separated from their 11-year-old son.

The Quechua connection

A simple Quechua conversation in a hospital led to a couple committing their lives to Jesus. It also led to a resilient friendship at the perfect time.

Light at the end of the tunnel

I took a deep breath and reconsidered my options. The most appealing choice for me would require us to backtrack several miles to the place we took the shot...