
The vision of SIM Ghana is to see a witness to Christ’s love where he is least known in Ghana, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities and Christ-centred churches spreading the gospel in Ghana and beyond.


The vision of SIM Ghana is to see a witness to Christ’s love where he is least known in Ghana, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities and Christ-centred churches spreading the gospel in Ghana and beyond.

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Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclamando el Evangelio para ver un movimiento de plantación de iglesias que reproduce comunidades de seguidores de Jesucristo en las áreas rurales, menos alcanzadas de la provincia de Loja.

Palabras de Esperanza

Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.

Ministerio Juvenil El Sendero

Alcanzando a los jóvenes entre 15 y 25 años de forma creativa.

Ministerios de Compasión

Iglesias expresando el amor y la compasión de Dios, sirviendo sus comunidades y extendiendo el evangelio a los más vulnerables entre ellos.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.


Sirviendo a la iglesia de Loja para ser apasionada en apoyar a los obreros del Evangelio en Loja y el mundo.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Apoyando a los hijos de misioneros para que crezcan como seguidores personales de Jesús a través de la educación, actividades y programas que los edifican en Cristo.


Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Example Ministry

A short summary of the ministry goes here

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministrschools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Theological and Medical Training

In Botswana, theological and medical training are both areas where mission workers can help to support existing structures, bringing valuable Christian understanding and knowledge.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches

Proclamando el Evangelio para ver un movimiento de plantación de iglesias que reproduce comunidades de seguidores de Jesucristo en las áreas rurales, menos alcanzadas de la provincia de Loja.

Palabras de Esperanza

Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.

Ministerio Juvenil El Sendero

Alcanzando a los jóvenes entre 15 y 25 años de forma creativa.

Ministerios de Compasión

Iglesias expresando el amor y la compasión de Dios, sirviendo sus comunidades y extendiendo el evangelio a los más vulnerables entre ellos.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.


Sirviendo a la iglesia de Loja para ser apasionada en apoyar a los obreros del Evangelio en Loja y el mundo.

Ministry to Missionary Kids

Apoyando a los hijos de misioneros para que crezcan como seguidores personales de Jesús a través de la educación, actividades y programas que los edifican en Cristo.


Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Communities where Christ is least known

Muslim people of northern Ghana

The Dagomba and Sisaala people of northern Ghana are predominantly Muslim. SIM Ghana partners with churches encouraging one-to-one discipling relationships amongst these people groups, in order that many might hear the gospel and grow in their understanding of God’s Word. More and more churches amongst the Dagomba and Sisaala are holding mid-week children’s clubs, enabling many Muslim children to hear God’s good news. Broadcasts of The Way of Righteousness on local radio in both the Sisaali and Dagbani languages continue to be well received.

The Fulani

The Fulani people in Ghana are another predominantly Muslim group. As migrants from other parts of West Africa, they have never had a recognised homeland in Ghana. They live in scattered settlements on the outskirts of villages and are often treated as outsiders and viewed with suspicion and hostility. In the last year, SIM Ghana has welcomed three missionary families to work amongst the Fulani. Through language and culture learning, they are building relationships of trust and friendship.



Pray for personnel to work in marriage and family ministries. We praise God for the growth of our team over the last year.


Pray for personnel to work in marriage and family ministries. We praise God for the growth of our team over the last year.


Pray for the three new families who are working amongst the Fulani. Pray for the building of good relationships.


Pray for the three new families who are working amongst the Fulani. Pray for the building of good relationships.


Pray for perseverance and encouragement for those engaged in language and culture learning.


Pray for perseverance and encouragement for those engaged in language and culture learning.


Pray for our Sports Friends ministry team, as they train coaches to reach children and young people through sport.


Pray for our Sports Friends ministry team, as they train coaches to reach children and young people through sport.


Pray for opportunities to partner in mobilising the Ghanaian church for mission.


Pray for opportunities to partner in mobilising the Ghanaian church for mission.


Pray for our new personnel coordinator and business manager, as they settle into their new roles and support the team in these important areas.


Pray for our new personnel coordinator and business manager, as they settle into their new roles and support the team in these important areas.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Related stories

Aunty Dinah the ambassador

The story of the Kasena people of Chiana, Ghana, demonstrates how God is moving in the hearts of a formally unreached people group.

Two miracles for one boy

Ghanaian Sherriff was fifteen and had a growth on his nostril. He felt alone and rejected.

The Pastors role in developing a missions-minded church

Working among an unreached people group is so important in developing a passion for mission in pastors and church leaders.

Pure devotion: Ghanaian child and widow care

Fela and his family minister to children and exiled widows in Gushegu, and leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided them with food relief.

Related stories

Aunty Dinah the ambassador

The story of the Kasena people of Chiana, Ghana, demonstrates how God is moving in the hearts of a formally unreached people group.

Two miracles for one boy

Ghanaian Sherriff was fifteen and had a growth on his nostril. He felt alone and rejected.

The Pastors role in developing a missions-minded church

Working among an unreached people group is so important in developing a passion for mission in pastors and church leaders.

Pure devotion: Ghanaian child and widow care

Fela and his family minister to children and exiled widows in Gushegu, and leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided them with food relief.