
The purpose of SIM Peru is to glorify God by partnering with the Peruvian church to fulfil Christ’s commission.


The purpose of SIM Peru is to glorify God by partnering with the Peruvian church to fulfil Christ’s commission.

Asset Publisher

Come and Serve

Cotahuasi Canyon Church Planting and Discipleship

To see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the Cotahuasi Canyon.

Apurímac Church Planting and Discipleship

Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.

Cotahuasi Canyon Church Planting and Discipleship

To see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the Cotahuasi Canyon.

Apurímac Church Planting and Discipleship

Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.

Communities where Christ is least known

Foreign prisoners in Lima

Peru is the second-highest exporter of cocaine in the world. An estimated 200 foreign men and women are in prison, having been arrested as drug mules. Peruvian prisons provide the basics: a mattress and meals. Inmates must buy or rely on family to provide toiletries, towels and sheets for their beds.
Mary and her small team of volunteers visit the foreign, English-speaking women in two prisons and provide humanitarian support for these women who are far away from their homes and families.
There is only one English-speaking evangelical prison ministry in Lima, and it is more than 20 years old. Inmates often have had difficult lives, but they share a common need for Christ. We visit weekly, study the Bible together and meet with those on parole, sharing the gospel and offering a relationship of trust and friendship where Christ is the centre.
Every few years there is a shift in what countries the prisoners come from, as the women are targeted in their passport countries by the drug cartels. Recently, there has been a change from English-speaking to Spanish-speaking countries. There is a need for an evangelical Spanish-speaking prison ministry in Lima, as well as an English-speaking men’s prison ministry.



Pray for Mary and her prison ministry team, and for more men and women to join them.


Pray for Mary and her prison ministry team, and for more men and women to join them.


Pray for the women inside prisons to respond to the gospel message.


Pray for the women inside prisons to respond to the gospel message.


Pray the ministry in the Apurimac region to reach those who don’t know Christ and for new church plants in towns and villages where there are no churches.


Pray the ministry in the Apurimac region to reach those who don’t know Christ and for new church plants in towns and villages where there are no churches.


Pray for God to raise up godly and faithful leaders in the Peruvian church and for the ministry of theological education to train and equip these leaders.


Pray for God to raise up godly and faithful leaders in the Peruvian church and for the ministry of theological education to train and equip these leaders.


Pray for the mobilisation ministry to awaken Peruvian churches to the gospel needs in their communities and across borders, so that Peruvians may reach those who don’t know Christ yet.


Pray for the mobilisation ministry to awaken Peruvian churches to the gospel needs in their communities and across borders, so that Peruvians may reach those who don’t know Christ yet.


Pray for all our missionaries, as they partner with evangelical churches and Peruvian Christians. Pray that our workers will be effective facilitators and mentors, strengthening local believers in their faith and ministry.


Pray for all our missionaries, as they partner with evangelical churches and Peruvian Christians. Pray that our workers will be effective facilitators and mentors, strengthening local believers in their faith and ministry.


Pray for the many Peruvians getting to know Christ through our ministries, that they will grow in their faith and become faithful and responsible leaders, whose lives will be testimonies in their communities.


Pray for the many Peruvians getting to know Christ through our ministries, that they will grow in their faith and become faithful and responsible leaders, whose lives will be testimonies in their communities.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Transforming lives in Peru

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Peruvians learn about clean water and the Living Water

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Parkinsons patient Christine ministers to Peruvians with disabilities

As Christine came to terms with her early-onset Parkinson's Disease, the Lord enabled her to help those with disabilities or illnesses embrace their worth in Christ. Read about her experience now.

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Loving the children Jesus loves

When I began working with foreign, English-speaking women on parole, I had no idea it would include ministering to children. But when several women brought their children to the Bible study, we had to get creative.

By word (and care) of mouth

How often do Brendan and Erin Connally's ministries overlap? Dentistry and oral Bible storying complement each other more than you'd think.

Bringing sports ministry to some of the worlds highest mountains

We may have been shivering 12,800 feet above sea level in the little mountain town of Ayaviri, but the warm welcome we received from our Andean brothers and sisters in Christ was unlike any other.

Renatos path changes on a map delivery

Delivering a map to the Sports Friends Peru office turned into an unforgettable moment for Renato. Read about his decision to follow Jesus.

Against all odds

The road was blocked by a massive boulder, and there was no way around it; we would be walking the last one and a half kilometres. An hour late might still be considered “on time” in this culture, but we were now 90 minutes late.

Hurry up and wait: Clinging to calling during COVID-19

Juanita was set to fly to Thailand and join the Faithful Witness team – but a looming obstacle, the coronavirus, barred her way.