
We desire to see people from all backgrounds loving their creator with all their hearts, loving their neighbours as themselves, and forming into loving communities.


We desire to see people from all backgrounds loving their creator with all their hearts, loving their neighbours as themselves, and forming into loving communities.

Asset Publisher

Communities where Christ is least known


The largest community in Bangladesh is also one of the mega-people groups in the world. Made up of Muslims and Hindus, much work has been done amongst them since the time of William Carey. We praise God for increased transformation over the last 40 years, but compared to the size of the population, this can be discouraging. The Christian community in the country is often inward looking, socially and culturally isolated and, more recently, persecuted as a minority. The capital, Dhaka, is made up of 16 million people.



Pray for people we encounter to be open to hearing and accepting the Word of God.


Pray for people we encounter to be open to hearing and accepting the Word of God.


Pray for our projects, that they would be effective in meeting real human needs


Pray for our projects, that they would be effective in meeting real human needs


Pray for our workers who are experiencing spiritual warfare in the forms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.


Pray for our workers who are experiencing spiritual warfare in the forms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.


Pray for a favourable relationship with the government. 


Pray for a favourable relationship with the government. 

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Innocence lost, Jesus found

Tia was trafficked by her own parents before being rescued. The pain of the past was a heavy burden, but Tia learned that her identity did not lay in the sins committed against her. She is a daughter of the king.

Sura’s journey with Children’s Uplift Programme

When Sura was trying to survive on the streets of Dhaka, she could never have imagined how SIM Bangladesh’s Children’s Uplift Programme would transform her life.

Restore hope to the vulnerable

The Children’s Uplift Program (CUP) and the Girls off the Streets Fund extend hope to vulnerable women.

Hope on the hard streets

Mimi's father died when she was only 10 years old and her family was left without anyone to provide for their them.